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发布时间:2020-03-12 11:15:24 来源:中国报道

中国报道讯(黄楚芳 通讯员莞宣)3月12日,据广东省东莞市消息,该市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部办公室发布第18号通告,明确境外来莞返莞人员必须进行信息报备制度。通行全文如下:






























[Notification] Things You Have to Do When You Return to Dongguan from Abroad

Notification on the Cooperation in Epidemic Prevention and Control Work for People Returning to Dongguan from Overseas

By Dongguan COVID-19 Prevention & Control CommandOffice

Currently, as the prevention and control work is going smoothly in China, the prevention of imported COVID-19 cases has become the priority in Dongguan. To fully contain the spread of the epidemic, Dongguan COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Office has decided that the information of those who return to Dongguan from abroad should be put on records from March 10. Here are the notifications:

1. Obligations for People Returning to Dongguan from Abroad

⑴Please contact your property management company (property manager or hotel manager, etc.) who is responsible for your residence in Dongguan in the first place; if you work in Dongguan, please also contact your company as well; please report your residential and occupational information on the platform of “Dongguan e-Report” (莞e申报) to ensure that you have access to your passphrase which can be shown to staff when necessary.

(2) If you have a travel or residence history in the highly affected countries over 14 days, or if you have come into contact with COVID-19 patients 2 days before the onset of illness, you are required by the epidemic prevention and control department to recieve medical observation at home or in designated places.

(3) During your stay in Dongguan, if you have symptoms including fever, fatigue or cough, please wear a mask and go to the nearest fever clinic or major hospital as soon as possible.

(4) Please report your health status to the medical staff of the drug store truthfully and have your body temperature taken if you need the febrifuge or antitussive.

(5) Please wash your hands frequently, and do not go around or attend social activities. Wear a mask if you have to go out. Please fulfill the requirements of epidemic prevention.

2. Obligations for Communities (Villages), Units and Residents

(1) Communities (villages) and units shall record the information of people who return to Dongguan from overseas over the past 14 days, and report to local epidemic control departments on time.

(2) For all residents inside or outside Dongguan, if you have known that your relatives or friends have returned or will return to Dongguan within 14 days, please report to local community (village) or your workplace about their name, contact information, date of arrival, flight, vehicle or vessel No., etc. The community (village) or workplace shall report to local epidemic control department after collecting relevant information.

(3) Communities (villages), units and residents of Dongguan shall inform those who return to Dongguan from overseas the epidemic situation of Dongguan, epidemic prevention and control knowledge, and measures taken by Dongguan for epidemic prevention and control.

3. Services provided by the Government

(1) During the period of medical observation at home, the community will provide services such as purchasing and delivering food and collecting garbage for you.

(2) During the period of medical observation at home or in designated places, you could handle emergenct business through various government platforms.

(3) Dongguan Municipal Government will provide related tests and medical services for you in accordance with relevant guidance.

(4) For any questions, please call 0086-769-12345 for Chinese service, 0086-769-22830691 for English services, 0086-769-22830616 for Korean services and 0769-22830635 for Japanese services.

4. Legal Liability for Non-cooperation

Those who return to Dongguan from abroad should timely and truthfully report relevant information and health status and take proper precautions.

Those who deliberately conceal their travel or residence history in highly affected countries or contact history with COVID-19 patients, or those who do not abide by the rules during medical observation at home and cause the spread of the epidemicshall be investigated and take legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.

This notice will be implemented from 00:00 on March 10, 2020, and will be valid during the epidemic prevention and control period.

Dongguan C0VID-19 Prevention & Control Command Office

March 10,2020



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